5th TESOL Türkiye International ELT Conference

20.09.2023 00:00:00

Dear Colleagues, 

TESOL Türkiye is pleased to announce that the 5th TESOL Türkiye International ELT Conference will take place on 20th-21st October 2023 and will be preceded by the Pre-Conference Events on 19th October 2023. The conference will be hosted by Bartın University, Bartın, Türkiye. The event welcomes both presenters and participants who are interested in language teaching, learning and professional development.


TESOL Türkiye is a national association of ELT professionals committed to advancing the quality of English language teaching by contributing to the sustainable quality of teacher education and in-service professional learning in Türkiye through collaboration, open exchange of practice, research, standards, and advocacy in all stages and levels of education. Among its core values, which also include integrity guided by ethical and transparent action, professionalism demonstrated by excellence in standards, research, and practice that improve learning outcomes and commitment to life-long learning is respect for diversity. Embracing different groups of people and allowing everyone to feel welcomed and valued is the key to creating a more just and equitable society for everyone, and schools provide a potential context in which diverse people learn to feel valued and important and to treat others with respect. In the 21st century, education should enable people of all genders, abilities, ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds and ages to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to establish caring communities, in which everyone accepts, respects and supports individual differences, without bias or stigma. This is only possible through inclusive education, which is among the greatest challenges confronting educators from K-12 to higher education today. To this end, the TESOL Türkiye Conference,

Embracing Differences: The Key to Inclusive Education”

aims to encourage ideas and debates connected to the theme of inclusiveness in language education in order to create equal opportunities for students, teachers, trainers as well as leaders. 


Attached you can find the poster of the conference.

Please click here for the detailed information about proposal submission and registration. 

The details of the Pre-Conference Events which will take place on 19th October 2023 will be shared soon by TESOL Türkiye Special Interest Groups.

We would be grateful if you can share this information with your colleagues in your institution. 

We very much look forward to receiving your proposals and seeing you in our conference in October.

Thank you very much for your interest and continuous support. 


Contact: Beril Yücel -Conference Chair

               Aslı Yılmaz Ercan- Conference-Co-chair

5th TESOL Türkiye International ELT Conference
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