Welcome to METASIG - TESOL Türkiye's Measurement-Evaluation-Testing-and-Assessment Special Interest Group!
The primary aim of language assessment is to improve student learning and performance and if you cannot accurately measure learning, you cannot manage or improve it. With this belief in mind, we would like to bring together foreign language teaching professionals who share an interest in the field of language assessment and testing. We are aware that there are few opportunities to gain expertise and experience in language assessment and testing and therefore, we believe that TESOL Turkey METASIG will play an important role to assist foreign language teaching professionals in their efforts to maximize their language assessment knowledge and skills and improve learning and teaching processes in their institutions.
We are better together! Join us!
METASIG Handbook
METASIG Recordings

SIGs Bylaw







1.        Purpose and Aim of the METASIG


The purpose and aim of the METASIG is to create a platform where members who share interest in the field of language assessment and testing work together, disseminate information, and exchange opinions as well as expertise through the following activities:


1.        organizing workshops, seminars, and discussion forums, 


2.                  organizing training events and working groups for research and development,

3.                  facilitating networking among the assessment teams, managers, and coordinators in different institutions through digital and face to face platforms,

4.                  taking part in national and international language assessment events,

5.                  providing guidance, consultancy, mentoring and coaching through professional development activities and training, 

6.                  organizing or facilitating social activities among members;

7.                   operating internationally, affiliating and conducting joint studies or cooperating with foreign associations/agencies.


2.                  Definitions


1.        Words and phrases in this Bylaw shall have the following meanings:


This Bylaw dated 9 January 2022.


The METASIG Coordinator

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the METASIG

Extraordinary Meeting

An extraordinary meeting convened by the Executive Committee in accordance with the rules of the METASIG

General Meeting

A general meeting of the Members to be held in person, on paper, or online, the procedures for which shall be decided by the Executive Committee and published to the Members


Member of the METASIG

Membership List

The list of members of the METASIG


The TESOL Türkiye, Measurement, Evaluation, Testing and Assessment Special Interest Group

TESOL Türkiye

The Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Association established in Türkiye pursuant to Law No. 5253 on Associations

General Meeting

A general meeting of the METASIG convened by the Executive Committee in accordance with the rules of the METASIG


2.                    Defined terms used in this Bylaw not listed in 2.1 above shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the TESOL Türkiye Constitution and TESOL Türkiye Internal Bylaw. In the event of any conflict between defined terms in this Bylaw and the TESOL Türkiye Constitution or TESOL Türkiye Internal Bylaw, this Bylaw shall prevail.


3.                  Approval of TESOL Türkiye


METASIG is duly approved as an authorized special interest group by TESOL Türkiye. In the event of any conflict between the regulations set out in this Bylaw and the TESOL Türkiye Constitution or TESOL Türkiye Internal Bylaw, the TESOL Türkiye Constitution or TESOL Türkiye Internal Bylaw shall prevail.


4.                  Structure of the METASIG


The METASIG shall consist of:


1.        The Executive Committee;

2.       The Members; and

3.       Any working or research groups established in order to fulfil the purpose and aim of the METASIG. 

5.                  Right to Membership and Membership Procedures

1.        Any member of TESOL Türkiye in good standing may apply for membership of the METASIG.

2.       The Executive Committee shall determine the procedures including the payment of membership dues for prospective Members to join the METASIG with the approval of TESOL Türkiye Board of Directors, and work in close cooperation with TESOL Türkiye’s Promotion Professional Council member responsible for TESOL Türkiye’s website to ensure that these are published on the METASIG webpage.


3.                 Membership dues payable to join the METASIG shall be determined by the Executive Committee with the approval of the TESOL Türkiye Board of Directors.

4.                  Members whose applications to join the METASIG are accepted shall be recorded in the Membership List.


6.                   Leaving Membership

1.        Any Member may terminate their membership by notifying the Executive Committee in writing.


2.                  Termination of membership shall be deemed to have occurred upon receipt of the written notice by the Executive Committee.


3.                  Notwithstanding termination of membership by a Member pursuant to paragraph 6.1 above, any outstanding membership dues or other debts owed to the METASIG by the Member shall remain payable.


7.                   Termination of Membership

1.        The Executive Committee may terminate the membership of the METASIG of any Member on good grounds, including but not limited to:


1.        Non-payment of membership dues;


2.                  Acting contrary to the purpose and aims of the METASIG;


3.                  Acting contrary to a legal directive of the Executive Committee; or


4.                  Otherwise acting in such a way as to bring the reputation of the METASIG or TESOL Türkiye into disrepute.


2.                In circumstances where the Executive Committee exercises its right to terminate the membership of a Member, it shall notify the Member in writing as soon as reasonably practicable, setting out the grounds for termination.


3.                  Any Member whose membership is terminated in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph may appeal in writing within 21 days of receipt of the notice referred to in 7.2 above to the TESOL Türkiye Board of Directors who shall in their absolute discretion make a final adjudication of the matter as soon as reasonably practicable. TESOL Türkiye’s Board of Directors shall have absolute discretion in establishing procedures for the hearing of any such appeals.

8.                  Establishment and duties of the Executive Committee

1.        The Executive Committee shall be elected by simple majority of the Members in a General Meeting subject to approval by the TESOL Türkiye Board of Directors. 


2.                  The term of office of each elected member of the Executive Committee shall be three (3) years. Following completion of an initial term of three (3) years, any member of the Executive Committee may stand for election for a second term of three (3) years. A member of the Executive Committee may not stand for further election having served two (2) terms until at least one term of three (3) years has elapsed.


3.                In the event that only one candidate fulfils the stated criteria in the call for nominations, an election will not be necessary, and the sole candidate will be elected unopposed.


4.                  The Executive Committee shall comprise of a minimum of three (3) persons and a maximum of seven (7) persons.


5.                  All members of the Executive Committee shall be members of TESOL Türkiye and Members of the METASIG in good standing.


6.                  The Executive Committee may, where it deems it necessary, co-opt any Member onto the Executive Committee for good reason on the proviso that the said individual shall stand for election at the next General Meeting.


7.                   The Executive Committee shall meet once in two months. These meetings shall be held virtually if meeting in person is not possible.


8.                  The Executive Committee shall have a Coordinator and a Treasurer elected by simple majority of the members of the Executive Committee. Members standing for election may also vote.


9.                  The Executive Committee shall be responsible for:


1.        organizing events, working groups, collaborations and other activities to further the objectives of the METASIG;


2.                  administering acceptances, resignations and terminations of Members;


3.                     administering the budget and presenting financial reports to the Members and to TESOL Türkiye;


4.                  convening and administering Extraordinary and General Meetings of Members in accordance with the procedures set out in this Bylaw, including establishing procedures for holding online meetings, paper meetings, and proxy voting; and


5.                  any other matters that contribute to the furtherance of the purpose and aim of the METASIG.


10.               Each member of the Executive Committee shall act with reasonable skill and care and in the best interests of the METASIG. In fulfilling these duties, each member of the Executive Committee is specifically obliged to declare any potential conflicts of interest either real or perceived that may arise in their execution of their duties for the METASIG.


11.                 For the purposes of constituting the first Executive Committee at the establishment of the METASIG, the founding Members shall nominate individuals to serve as members of the Executive Committee, whose appointment shall be ratified at the first General Meeting of Members held after the establishment of the METASIG.


9.                  Roles and Responsibilities


  1. The METASIG Coordinator will


1.        maintain contact with all the committee members to update them about the TESOL Türkiye;

2.       contact the TESOL Türkiye Head Office, and other SIG Coordinators to inform them of events and general situation of the METASIG;

3.       monitor all the committee members’ duties and advise them on their work; 

4.       ensure that the METASIG website is updated, and the Media Coordinator keeps the SIG accounts up-to-date; 

5.       prepare an annual budget in consultation with the Treasurer and submit it to the TESOL Türkiye Head Office;

6.      prepare an annual plan;

7.       maintain regular contact between Committee members and organise a minimum of two committee meetings (virtual or face-to-face) per year; 

8.      send minutes of meetings to Committee members, the TESOL Türkiye Head Office;

9.      delegate duties to other Committee members and follow up with action points and status;

10.   seek marketing and publicity opportunities and dealing with them proactively;

11.      organize and maintain sponsorship packages for conferences and other events;

12.    develop relationships with local teaching associations and TESOL Türkiye Associates and enter negotiations for potential joint events.


2.                  Treasurer will


1.        manage the SIG finances in consultation with the METASIG coordinator 

2.       prepare the annual budget

3.       prepare or oversee conference and event budgets

4.       oversee committee expenses (and approve expense claims)


3.                  Media Coordinator will


1.        use social media to promote SIG activities in consultation with the METASIG coordinator

2.       coordinate the SIG’s social media

3.       update and maintain the SIG website in coordination with the membership coordinator

4.       prepare flyers and slides for SIG events


4.                  Membership Coordinator will


1.        oversee membership renewals in consultation with the METASIG coordinator

2.       liaise with TESOL Türkiye Promotion Council and Associate Network Council

3.       update and maintain the SIG website in coordination with the media coordinator

4.       respond to public and community inquiries and brief the METASIG board members on matters of interest and concern. 


5.                  Joint Events Coordinator will


1.        put out a call for papers for events and putting the program together in consultation with the METASIG coordinator

2.       set up the timetable for the event

3.       design the conference program in coordination with the publications coordinator

4.       create a registration form and decide pricing for the event in coordination with the treasurer 

5.       liaise with TESOL Türkiye Events Planning Council in order for the event to go live on the website

6.      work closely with the local organizer – if any – to set up and run events

7.       contact exhibitors and sponsors for events and set up sponsorship packages

8.      advertise and promote the event in coordination with the media coordinator

9.      create feedback forms for the event 

10.   get all relevant information out to members


6.                  Publications Coordinator will


1.        produce two publications every year reflecting the breadth of membership interest where possible in consultation with the METASIG coordinator

2.       liaise with TESOL Türkiye Promotion Council

3.       find contributions (e.g., articles, book reviews, columns) and follow up leads for possible articles

4.       remind committee members of submission deadlines

5.       compile and edit/proofread the contributions

6.      find/select photos, as needed, including cover photo

7.       write the editorial for the publication if necessary 


10.               Removal of members of the Executive Committee


1.      The TESOL Türkiye Board of Directors shall have the right to remove any member of the Executive Committee for good cause.


2.                  In the event of a proposed removal pursuant to paragraph 9.1 above, the TESOL Türkiye Board of Directors shall provide written reasons to the member of the Executive Committee and allow the member to make representations in opposition to the removal.


3.                  Members may propose a motion for the removal of any member of the Executive Committee at a General or Extraordinary Meeting. Any vote to remove a member of the Executive Committee shall require a majority of two-thirds of the total number of Members.


11.                 Meetings & Decision-Making Procedures


1.      The METASIG shall hold a General Meeting annually and in any event not later than eighteen (18) months following the date of the previous General Meeting.


2.                  The Executive Committee shall notify the date of the General Meeting to the Members not less than three (3) months in advance of the meeting and include a draft agenda and motions to be put to a vote. The final agenda and list of motions to be put to a vote shall be distributed to the Members not less than two (2) weeks before the General Meeting.


3.                  Notice of any General Meeting shall also be given to TESOL Türkiye not less than one (1) month in advance of the meeting. TESOL Türkiye shall have the discretion to send an observer to any such meeting.


4.                  General Meetings may be held virtually where the Executive Committee at its sole discretion considers it is reasonable to do so. Members may join meetings remotely and participate, including voting, at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 


5.                  The quorum for a General Meeting shall be 50% of the total number of Members. Any General Meeting postponed by reason of there not being a quorum shall be reconvened by the Executive Committee within three (3) months of the date of the postponed meeting. In such cases, the quorum requirement shall be suspended.


6.                  Subject to paragraph 10.7 below, no matter shall be discussed or voted upon unless it appears on the agenda of the General Meeting.


7.                   A written proposal may be made to discuss and vote upon an item that does not appear on the agenda if approved by two-thirds of the Members present at the General Meeting.


8.                  The Executive Committee shall convene an Extraordinary Meeting to discuss and vote upon any matter or matters if not less than three-quarters of the total membership of the METASIG demand it in writing.


9.                  Save as otherwise set out in this Bylaw, motions proposed at General and Extraordinary Meetings shall be voted upon in an open ballot as directed by the Executive Committee and decided by simple majority of the Members present at the meeting. In the event of a tie, the Coordinator shall have the casting vote. The Executive Committee reserves the right to call a secret ballot for any vote at its sole discretion. In such cases the Executive Committee shall inform Members of the procedures for the conduct of the secret ballot.


10.               Members may vote by proxy at General and Extraordinary Meetings in accordance with procedures established by the Executive Committee and published to Members prior to the respective meeting.


11.                 Minutes shall be taken of every General and Extraordinary Meeting which shall be signed by the Coordinator and distributed to Members as soon as reasonably practicable following the meeting.


12.                Dissolution of the METASIG


1.      The Members may resolve to dissolve the METASIG with a two-thirds majority vote at a General or Extraordinary Meeting.


2.                  In the event the Members resolve to dissolve the METASIG, the Executive Committee shall take all necessary steps to complete the dissolution as soon as reasonably practicable.


3.                  The Executive Committee shall notify TESOL Türkiye of any such vote to dissolve the METASIG as soon as reasonably practicable.


13.                Amendments to the Bylaw


1.      This Bylaw may be amended by a motion of not less than two-thirds of the total number of Members in a General or Extraordinary Meeting.


2.                  Any amendment to the Bylaw proposed by the Members shall be subject to ratification by the TESOL Türkiye Board of Directors. 




TESOL Türkiye METASIG aims to provide education institutions and professional communities an opportunity to come together in order to:
  • discuss issues concerning the design, development, and administration of low and high stakes exams;
  • share practices, experiences, ideas, and challenges relevant to testing, evaluation, and assessment related issues from diverse contexts;
  • increase awareness of the activities and approaches to assessment and evaluation of learning in other programs;
  • build relationships and links between the assessment teams in different institutions;
  • exchange ideas on how members can cooperate in order to improve testing and assessment practices in their institutions;
  • create a platform where members can disseminate the results and implications of their own research and/or other studies done by researchers in the field;
  • provide equal and fair access to training settings and professional discussion platforms for all members. 

Our main activities include the following:
  • organizing workshops, seminars, and discussion forums,
  • organizing training events and working groups for research and development,
  • facilitating networking among the assessment teams, managers, and coordinators in different institutions through digital and face to face platforms,
  • taking part in national and international language assessment events,
  • providing guidance, consultancy, mentoring and coaching through professional development activities and training,
  • organizing or facilitating social activities among members;
  • operating internationally, affiliating and conducting joint studies or cooperating with foreign associations/agencies.
Joint Coordinator Asst. Prof. Ayşegül Sallı
Joint Coordinator
Asst. Prof. Ayşegül Sallı
Joint Coordinator Dr. Taner Yapar
Joint Coordinator
Dr. Taner Yapar
Joint Event Coordinator Hande Dağıstan
Joint Event Coordinator
Hande Dağıstan
Joint Event Coordinator Arif Yıldızlı
Joint Event Coordinator
Arif Yıldızlı
Membership Coordinator Şeyma Doğru
Membership Coordinator
Şeyma Doğru
Treasurer Berkan Özkan
Berkan Özkan
Social Media Coordinator Pınar Kılıç Ateş
Social Media Coordinator
Pınar Kılıç Ateş
METASIG invites you to the first online event of 2025 on 21 Jan 2025 at 7 pm (GMT+3).

METASIG invites you to the first online event of 2024 on 21 Jan 2025 at 7 pm (GMT+3).

Join us for a thought-provoking webinar by Dr. Aslı Lidice Göktürk Sağlam as we explore how ChatGPT is transforming language assessment education and shaping the future of teacher training.


Presenter’s Bio

Aslı Lidice Göktürk Sağlam is a dedicated educator and researchers specialising in language assessment literacy, teacher education, and the integration of AI in learning. She is currently working at University of Southeastern Norway as a postdoc researcher.



In this presentation, I will share a mixed method study I conducted to investigate the potential of integrating ChatGPT into language assessment training to enhance teachers' language assessment literacy (LAL). While the educational applications of ChatGPT are well documented, its impact on developing LAL remains under-researched. To address this gap, the study explores the experiences and perceptions of 27 pre-service English teachers enrolled in an online flipped assessment course at a Turkish university. The course incorporated ChatGPT-mediated tasks to familiarize learners with the capabilities of ChatGPT in language assessment. Data were collected through pre- and post-questionnaires, student reflections, and one-on-one interviews to answer the research question: What is the impact of using ChatGPT in a language assessment course on (a) student teachers’ knowledge of its functions, (b) their perceptions of its effectiveness as a pedagogical tool, and (c) their perceived learning of language assessment? Quantitative analysis using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test revealed a significant increase in participants' perceived knowledge of ChatGPT functions in language assessment from pre- to post-questionnaire. However, no significant difference was found in their perceptions of ChatGPT's effectiveness as a learning tool. Qualitative thematic analysis indicated diverse perceptions, including uncertainty, negativity, positivity, and caution regarding ChatGPT's utility. Positive perspectives emerged on ChatGPT's role in supporting individual learning, acting as an interactive learning companion, and enhancing LAL. These findings suggest that integrating AI tools like ChatGPT into teacher education can facilitate awareness in LAL.

Keywords: ChatGPT, AI integration in teacher education, language assessment literacy, teacher learning, professional development


Registration fee:

●   TESOL Türkiye METASIG members: 0

●   TESOL Türkiye members: 100

●   Non-TESOL Türkiye participants: 200

Registration Link:

Invoice Request Link:

Registration deadline: 18 January, 2025


METASIG Pre-Conference Event 2023
METASIG Pre-Conference Event 2023
METASIG invites you to the Pre-Conference Event on 19 October, 2023 @12:00. The event welcomes all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing. Please click for details.

METASIG invites you to the Pre-Conference Event on 19 October, 2023 @12:00. The event welcomes all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing.

We are proud to host Jan McArthur as our plenary speaker in the first session. Then we will have a focus group meeting with the participants discussing alternative assessment practices Please click for details. Please see the session abstracts below.

Registration fee:

       METASIG members: 75

       Non-METASIG TESOL Türkiye members:  ₺150


       Non-TESOL Türkiye members:  ₺150

Registration Link:


Registration deadline: 10 October 2023 midnight.


The Zoom link will be shared with the participants after the registration and payment processes have been completed.


Please see the guide on how to pay for the event as a NON-MEMBER:  


To become a METASIG MEMBER: 



Session Abstracts

Session I: 12.00 – 14.00
Authentic assessment: Beyond the Buzz Word and towards Transformative Change by Jan McArthur

Authentic assessment has become a buzz word across higher education.   In a sense, how could it not be? Who would want inauthentic assessment?  As university teachers we have a responsibility to look beyond the buzz word and genuinely reflect on this idea of authenticity, and what it means in an assessment context. Central to this endeavour is to leave behind trite descriptions of “real world” tasks and instead focus on the student and their relationship to their assessment task and their sense of achievement.  What does it mean to be able to engage with the knowledge that underpins the task?  What is its significance for the student, as a member of society?  This approach has particular significance for TESOL educators, because engagement with language does not occur in a silo, but rather involves the student as a whole, and their social situation.  Authentic assessment, therefore, is founded on a state of mind; an educational commitment that can and should run through TESOL practices.  While policies and regulations are important, and in an ideal world would be a key part of assessment reform, they are not the limits of our actions and possibilities.  In this talk I will discuss the practical possibilities of thinking about assessment differently in a TESOL context, and challenging our students – and ourselves – to articulate and nurture socially just and responsible engagement with knowledge.


Jan McArthur is Senior Lecturer in Education and Social Justice and Head of Department in the Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University, UK.  Her research focuses on the nature and purposes of higher education, and how these relate to practices of teaching, learning and assessment.  She has a particular interest in critical theory and in her published work explores the ideas of Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer and Axel Honneth, applying these to higher education. She has previously published a book exploring how Adorno’s critical theory can inform our understanding of, and engagement with, knowledge in higher education for the purposes of greater social justice:  Rethinking Knowledge in Higher Education (Bloomsbury).  Her second book uses Honneth's conceptualisation of mutual recognition to rethink the nature of assessment in higher education, where one is committed to greater social justice:  Assessment for Social Justice (Bloomsbury).  She has published a wide range of journal articles on assessment, critical theory and social justice, including focusing specifically on language learning. Jan is a researcher in the ESRC and HEFCE funded ‘Centre for Global Higher Education’, and currently working on the international and longitudinal project: Graduate Experiences of Employability and Knowledge. This builds on the previous project: Understanding Knowledge, Curriculum and Student Agency.  She is also Editor of Arts and Humanities in Higher Education.


Session II: 14.30 – 16.00
Focus Group: Good practices in alternative language assessment

The second session will be run and facilitated by the METASIG board members. It aims to provide a platform for the participants to discuss their ideas and share their experiences on alternative assessment practices in their institutions. 


Thank you for your interest.



METASIG WORKSHOP: Standard Setting
METASIG WORKSHOP: Standard Setting
METASIG invites you to the “Standard Setting” workshop on 25 May 2023 @19:30. The event welcomes all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing. We are proud to host Dr. Elif Kantarcıoğlu in this workshop. Please click for details.

METASIG invites you to a workshop on 25 May 2023. The event welcomes all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing.


We are proud to host Dr. Elif Kantarcıoğlu in this workshop on “Standard Setting”. Please see the session abstract below.


Registration fee:

        METASIG members: 50

        Non-METASIG TESOL Türkiye members:  250

        Non-TESOL Türkiye members:  400


Registration Link:  


Registration deadline: 22 May 2023 Monday, midnight.


The Zoom link will be shared with the participants after the registration and payment processes have been completed.


Please see the guide on how to pay for the event as a NON-MEMBER:  


To become a METASIG MEMBER: 


Thank you for your interest.



Session Abstract

Workshop: “Item Analysis”

This talk will focus on standard setting in general and standard setting in line with the CEFR. We will discuss the need to carry out standard-setting studies for our exams and look at some of the most commonly used standard-setting methods. We will also discuss how CEFR could be of use to us in setting standards not only for standardised exams but also for formative assessment, especially with its action-oriented approach that has gained much more importance since the launch of the CEFR Companion Volume in 2018.


Dr. Elif Kantarcıoğlu is currently working at Bilkent University School of English Language as the Director of the English Language Preparatory Program. She completed her BSc and MA studies in English Language Teaching at Middle East Technical University. She completed her PhD on Validation and CEFR at Roehampton University in 2012. She has been involved in language assessment for over 20 years and her areas of interest include test design, validation, test analysis techniques, Item Response Theory, many-facet Rasch measurement and CEFR linking.

METASIG Workshop
METASIG Workshop
METASIG invites you to a workshop on February 4, 2023 @10:30. The event welcomes all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing. We are proud to host Akif Çal in this workshop. Please click for details.

METASIG invites you to a workshop on February 4, 2023. The event welcomes all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing.


We are proud to host Akif Çal in this workshop on “Item Analysis”. Please see the session abstract below.


Registration fee: 

  • METASIG members: 50

  • Non-METASIG TESOL Türkiye members:  ₺250

  • Non-TESOL Türkiye members:  ₺400 


Registration Link: 


Registration deadline: 1 February 2023, midnight.

The Zoom link will be shared with the participants after the registration and payment processes have been completed.


Please see the guide on how to pay for the event as a NON-MEMBER:   


To become a METASIG MEMBER  


Thank you for your interest. 




Session Abstract 

Workshop: “Item Analysis”

This workshop aims to provide practical ideas on the basics of item analysis. It aims to inform the participants about how it can guide our practices and provide hands-on practice using spreadsheets.


Akif Çal is an Assistant Lecturer of English at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman. He also has extensive experience in Curriculum and Assessment. He is currently pursuing a PhD degree at the Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching. His research interests are curriculum development, assessment in foreign language education, and educational policy and planning.


Thank you for your interest. 


METASIG invites you to a forum in Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University on 2-3 December 2022. The theme is “An Overview of Assessing Language Use” and we welcome all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing. Please click 'Review' for more info.


METASIG - TESOL Turkey invites you to a face-to-face event in Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University on December 2 December (whole day) - December 3 (half-day) 2022. The event theme is “An Overview of Assessing Language Use” and we welcome all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing.


The first day of the event will include a plenary talk by Dr. Simon Phipps, a talk by ETS representatives, and an input session related to the theme of the event followed by focus group discussions. We are proud to host Dr. Simon Phipps as the plenary speaker for the event with his talk entitled “Curriculum-Based Assessment: the Importance of Aligning Assessment with Curriculum Objectives”.


On the second day, the highlights of the focus group discussions will be presented and the event will end with a whole-group discussion



Event Booklet:


We look forward to seeing you in Nevşehir, on December 2, 2022!





“Curriculum-Based Assessment: the Importance of Aligning Assessment with Curriculum Objectives”


Dr. Simon Phipps is Director of ATI (Anatolia Training Institute) in Ankara, which provides teacher training and educational consultancy. He has been Principal Examiner for Delta Module 3 since 2008 and an External Examiner for Delta Module since 1997.


He previously worked as Deputy Director of Bilkent University School of English Language in Ankara for 20 years, where he was responsible for in-service teacher training and development. He also designed and directed an in-house MA programme (Management in Education in ELT) from 2003-2013, and taught MA courses on linguistics, lexis and educational management, and also led a Curriculum Development Project in 2012. He has since worked on Curriculum projects at Kadir Has, Atilim, Yildirim Beyazit and Ankara Social Sciences Universities, and has given courses through Gordion Academy on Curriculum-Based Assessment and Course & Syllabus Design in 2019, 2020 and 2022.


He has worked in ELT in the UK, Germany and Turkey since 1984, and has been involved in teacher education since 1989. He has a PhD in Education, from the University of Leeds, UK, with a focus on teacher beliefs. His current professional interests include teacher cognition, teacher learning, teacher education research, and educational management. 



Webinar: Automatic Text Analysis and Its Use in L2 Reading Assessment
Webinar: Automatic Text Analysis and Its Use in L2 Reading Assessment
METASIG - TESOL Turkey invites you to a webinar on 6 June 2022. The event welcomes all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing. We are proud to host Dr. Aylin Ünaldı for the webinar. Please click for details.

METASIG - TESOL Turkey invites you to a Webinar on 6 June 2022. The event welcomes all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing.


We are proud to host Dr. Aylin Ünaldı in this Webinar. with her talk entitled “Automatic Text Analysis and Its Use in L2 Reading Assessment”. Please see the session abstract below.


The event is free of charge for METASIG members, and the fee for non-member participants is ₺30. If you are NOT a member, please complete your payment through and finalize your registration. Participants will receive the Zoom link via email 1 day prior to the webinar. 


Registration Link:

Registration deadline: 4 June 2022, midnight


Please see the guide on how to pay for the event as a NON-MEMBER. 

To become a METASIG MEMBER: 


Session Abstract 


Webinar: Automatic Text Analysis and Its Use in L2 Reading Assessment, by Dr. Aylin Ünaldı

Selection of the ‘right’ text is the most important step in reading test development. Justifying the appropriacy of the features of input texts for a specific assessment purpose and for the specific test taker group we have in mind is also a substantial validity argument.

This talk will review automatic texts analysis research and its use in reading assessment. It will also introduce several text analysis tools by demonstrating how they work, where they can be used and to what extent they can be relied on.


Dr. Aylin Ünaldı is currently working as a Senior Lecturer at University of Huddersfield, School of Education and Professional Development. She has an MA in Applied Linguistics (University of Reading, UK), a PhD in Applied Linguistics-Language Testing (Bogazici University, Turkey) and a PhD in Language Assessment from the University of Bedfordshire (UK). She has extensive experience in foreign language teaching, teacher training, test development and validation as well as lecturing at post-graduate level in TESOL and Language Assessment. Her research interests include language test validation, academic literacy (reading and writing) in foreign language, assessment of reading multiple-text level and reading into writing as an integrated academic skill. 


Thank you for your interest. 


METASIG Pre-Conference Event 2022
METASIG Pre-Conference Event 2022
METASIG-TESOL Turkey invites you to the Pre-Conference Event on 17 March 2022.The event welcomes all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing. METASIG is proud to host Prof. Luke Harding for the plenary, and Esra Gün Alayafi in the event. Please click for more details.

METASIG Pre-Conference Event

METASIG - TESOL Turkey invites you to the Pre-Conference Event on 17 March 2022. The event welcomes all ELT professionals who are interested in language assessment and testing.


We are proud to host Prof. Luke Harding for the plenary, and Esra Gün Alayafi in the Pre-Conference Event. Please see the session abstracts below.


The event is free of charge for METASIG members, and the fee for non-member participants is ₺50. If you are NOT a member, please complete your payment through and finalize your registration. Participants will receive the Zoom link via email after the registration ends. 


Registration Link: 




Session Abstracts 


PLENARY: New perspectives on communicative competence: A focus on speaking and listening assessment, by Prof. Luke Harding

13:00 – 14.00 


Defining and operationalising communicative competence has been a fundamental concern for language assessors since the communicative revolution of the 1970s. Yet communicative competence is not a static construct; as communicative practices evolve, so too should the constructs that underpin language assessments. In this talk I will chart some current and future challenges in defining communicative competence with respect to speaking and listening assessment. Specifically, I will discuss the need to acknowledge and represent heterogeneous sites of language use, and the various affordances and limitations of digital technology in speaking and listening assessment. I will end with a set of discussion questions to pose to the audience. 

Prof. Luke Harding is a professor in Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University (UK). His research interests are in applied linguistics and language assessment, particularly assessing listening and speaking, World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca, and language assessment literacy and professional ethics. Luke is currently co-editor of the journal Language Testing. 


United We Stand, Divided We Fall, by Esra Gün Alayafi



Collaborative learning (CL) is an educational goal structure in which learners are actively engaged in the learning process with the aim of maximizing their own and each other’s learning. CL tasks challenge learners to be active participants in their learning process and acknowledge the fact that they have a variety of skill sets and knowledge they can bring to the task. One obvious benefit of CL is related to learners’ well-being. It encourages them to build and maintain strong interpersonal relationships with their peers and instructors. While working together towards a common goal outside class, learners undoubtedly form social relationships. In this presentation, I will talk about our experiences with CL in the School of Languages (SL). I will explain how CL groups work, the Learning Assistant program (LA) and the type of tasks we expect students to complete. 

Esra Gün Alayafi is an English instructor and the Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator of Sabancı University, School of Languages. She holds a B.A in ELT from Gazi University and an M.A in International ELT and Applied Language Studies from London Metropolitan University. She is interested in continuous assessment, collaborative learning, teaching academic writing and learner development.


Thank you for your interest. 




Meeting: METASIG Members and Prospective Members’ Gathering
Meeting: METASIG Members and Prospective Members’ Gathering
This gathering will provide a platform for the participants involved in assessment development to share common practices and discuss assessment-related challenges during the new normal, i.e., online and hybrid delivery modes.

METASIG Members and Prospective Members’ Gathering

1 March 2022 @20:00

Registration Link:


This event aims to gather the existing and prospective members of METASIG in order to get to know each other better and discuss the challenges and good practices in assessment – especially in “the new normal”. It aims to create opportunities for assessment developers to share ideas, experiences, and good practice.


Facilitators: METASIG Executive Committee Members

Workshop: Introduction to Item Analysis
Workshop: Introduction to Item Analysis
Registration has ended.

Workshop: Introduction to Item Analysis by Akif Çal 

19 February 2022 @11:00 - 12:30


Session Abstract: This workshop will focus on the basics of item analysis in foreign language testing. It is divided into two sections. In the first half, participants will explore key concepts in item analysis. Following the theoretical part, the presenter will guide the participants through a sample item analysis from collecting grades to interpreting results.

Presenter: Akif Çal is an Assistant Lecturer of English at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman. He also has extensive experience in Curriculum and Assessment. He is currently pursuing a PhD degree at the Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching. His research interests are curriculum development, assessment in foreign language education, and educational policy and planning.

PCE Event
PCE Event

In this Pre-Conference Event held on February, 25, 2021, we had Richard Spiby as plenary speaker. His talk on Assessment Literacy provided great insights on the basics of assessment for the audience.


In this second session of the PCE, the METASIG members had a panel discussion where they shared common strengths, challenges, and opportunities of online assessment.

Good Practices in Online Language Assessment
Good Practices in Online Language Assessment

Our kick-off event was titled as 'Good Practices in Online Language Assessments' and it was held on January, 30, 2021 with 47 participants from 15 different cities. The event provided participants a great opportunity to share common good practices, exchange experiences, reflect on the challenging aspects, and brainstorm new solutions for language assessment in general, but specifically for the unforeseen effects of Pandemic. The outcome of the event proved the need for collaboration across various stakeholders involved in language assessment at each level.

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